I really did decide 3½ years ago to stop watching news and reading news online because they caused me pain, I’ve always been an empath so watching anyone in pain isn’t what I want to do on my free time. At that time I also stopped on of my other mind numbing activity which was to care a rat’s ass about celebrities, who did what, who got together, who broke up, who designed what, and so on…

Now it was truly a life changing decision – I quit my old job few months later feeling more empowered.  Got a new job. It was perhaps a year or close to two after that that I first tried to stop watching TV, except for documentaries on nature, space and religion which I found informative. It lasted about a year, and then the beginning of this year when I was feeling the spring blue for two months I started watching TV again, this time online.

I have been on that slip ever sense, but I think it’s time again to wean myself off TV. I’ve noticed how when I come back from work my mind is still active but just 30 minutes of watching TV on my computer and I feel sluggish, drained and tired. I feel as if work has tired me so completely but perhaps it’s wise to look at TV as a reason – so I will experiment!

I will spend a week wholly without TV – oh wait, this sort of can’t be very accurate experiment as I stop working in two days. 🙂 Oh well, I am still stopping TV staring again, no more Doctor Who, How I Met Your Mother, Mentalist and Movies. This should actually be fairly easy break as my week is as follows:
Wednesday = Work
Thursday = Work
Friday = Off to go camping
Saturday = Camping
Sunday = Camping
Monday = Camping
Tuesday = Finishing up camping
After tomorrow I don’t even have access to a TV, as TV is not a part of Camping, so this should be fairly easy break from IT, that just need to uphold.

Now for computer TV watching, I will still watch spiritually meaningful youtube videos, I think that’s produced with more consciousness and meaning well, other than TV that has quite a bit of bad rap under its carpet.

You might have also noticed I said I’m going camping for Midsummer! I am!
I do not know if me taking the change to not go camping because of thunder storms so well the thunderstorm warning been lifted off Satakunta and we decided to go camping again. Which I am so happy about!
Talk about that Change in my week’s beginning Tarot. 😉

Just 2 more days of work and I get to go camping in nature and so begins my 5 Week Summer Vacation! Hooray! 🙂

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All this talk about monetary or financial abundance in spirituality is really bothering me. I do not for a second believe that if all the people in the world manifested monetary abundance we could even survive.

Money is an illusion. Think of credit, a loan, card you pay with, imaginary money on your bank account. The only real money is the cash in your hand and even that is so corrupt there are no words for it. There are people who decide how much your cash is worth at any given time, or how much your gold or silver is worth. But gold and silver are more consistent of the three options.

This is what rubs me the wrong way about The Secret is their money, cars, jewelry approach.  They make a good point of taking responsibility of your life but imagining a car believing you have it, won’t do it.

Do not get me wrong I believe in the Law of Attraction very much, just not the attachment filled The Secret.

Law of Attraction is attracting with your thoughts experiences to your life.

Like one day I had to go to a meeting at work in the evening, I spend two hours prior thinking I don’t want to go, I’m tired, gosh why do I have to go? So by the time I’m standing solidly on the bus stop waiting for my ride to work, two busses miss their shift – which leads to me running to catch a metro and being late from the meeting.
What did I attract there – apparently no transportation, it is as if the Universe was right by my side in the metro looking at me and saying: “But I though you didn’t want to go, I just gave you what you wanted?”

Another time I was setting a dentist appointment on the phone without my work calendar, and we set a date for mid May, a Wednesday. Few days after the call I checked the work calendar to find out I had set the appointment for the morning of Spring Celebration day, a morning where we and the kids would put on a show for the parents for the end of the Spring  semester.  I had to change the dentist appointment then, I tried to call them twice not getting through. In my mind I kept repeating I have to change the dentist appointment, I have to change the dentist appointment.  Universe heard me loud and clear and had the dentist  office call me the next day telling me they had to close for Wednesday because of staff training and would I be free the next day, on Thursday.  I couldn’t help but to smile when I said, yes.

Yet another example, and I’ll keep this short, was when our sofa was at a breaking point and I kept thinking we need a new sofa, we need a new sofa – what did the amazing Universe do, well through my mom and her boyfriend gave us a 300€ gift card to a furniture store.

Another short one, as we were remodeling, having super hard time with getting off wallpaper, I kept asking come off easy, come off easy – modifying my technique a little it did come off as easy as magic.

Now you will never caught me cheating, I will never wish for 100,000€s for Abundance, or sports car for the fun and cool of it, or jewelry for the sparkliness of it. That people is Vanity.

Now is Vanity part of Enlightenment?
Is it part of Love?
Is Vanity part of Light, perhaps?
Oh – no? Well then we will agree. if we disagree then ask yourself this if you are perfect and already have everything you need, if you are perfectly safe as you are then why do you need possessions? Extra Money?  Extra Vacation?  Extra Clothes?  Extra Jewelry? How will that better your light-filled essence who is on its way to Non-Attachment, Love and Compassion?

We can agree or disagree, as all paths eventually lead to same Unity. 🙂
Here is another view on abundance, letting go and money.

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Where last entry was all about bringing out thoughts in whatever form they wanted to come out in, this entry is all about a plan. A plan to heal my Body and Mind.

I have meditated whenever I feel so, spontaneously, which I admit is ( I am afraid to use the word ) rarely ( but there I said it, after all yesterday was Lunar Eclipse and that is all about letting go of un-necessary fear ). And now that I have said it I wish to change it, and not just meditation, but Reiki and Visualization.

I had this idea yesterday morning as I was on the metro to go to work, I want to establish a loose routine to do a little bit every day. To come up with a spiritual Life, not just daily routines of go to work, routines at work, come home and have spirituality time. 😉

Monday = Tarot Reading for the Upcoming Week, to have insight on what are the points for the week to focus and learn from…

Tuesday = Reiki, wither to balance chakras or specifically heal what I feel intuitively is in need of balancing and healing…

Wednesday = Meditation, for relaxation, quieting the mind and connecting with silence and the void, the part of me that is consciousness…

Thursday = Visualization, healthy body, mind, astral travel, learning lessons…

Friday = Channeling, connecting with my Higher Self or my Spirit Guides to better my life…

Saturday = Yoga Trance Dance, invigorating the body, connecting with movement…

Sunday = Meditation, for relaxation, quieting the mind and connecting with silence and the void, the part of me that is consciousness…

Of course I am still allowing full access to spontaneous action, to do whatever I wish, whenever I wish with full consideration of Actions and Consequences. We should never do something or leave something undone if we can’t take responsibility for what happens because of our actions or non-actions.

Love, Light and Joy!

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Apple pie is in the oven, windchimes are singing in the kitchen, balcony is full of brightly colored flowers, I should attempt to make Greek Salad but I seem to have trouble keeping my eyes open. This ehec-virus is the solution to the swine flu pandemic bombing at the box office, hydration is the key. Is +30’C too much for Finland, we live in the North we can’t handle heats like this, two years of the same first super cold heavy snowed winters followed by heatwave summers two in a row of those maybe it has something to do with the activity of then sun, global warming, highten seasons, change.
I joined Plan Finland today, became a volunteer, will be teaching english to Plan ambassadors, will be translating and interpreting, will be teaching how to act around children, it’s part of my purpose, my life long purpose as a kindergarden teacher, and humanbeing to help children, to raise better children who have opportunities they didn’t even knew they were entitled to as humans. Will get a t-shirt as well ‘because i’m a girl’ campaign.

Just needed to get some thoughts out. 🙂

Love, Light and Joy!

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❝ When this free audio seminar was released on the internet last spring, it struck a deep chord for many evolutionaries. In fact, within two weeks of its release, it had been downloaded by over 140,000 people.

In The Key to Evolving Beyond Ego, Craig explains why our spiritual practices rarely lead to the kind of transformation we’re seeking: the simple truth is that most of us haven’t yet learned how to navigate past the part of us that doesn’t actually want to change.

As Craig explains in this audio, this fundamental resistance to change is not our fault. We didn’t choose it. It’s not even a product of our childhood traumas.

This primitive part of the self–the ego–is rooted deep in our evolutionary past and is hardwired to preserve a sense of security and continuity at all costs.

Try asking it to change and you’re going to get a big “no” for an answer. So, although we may think we want to evolve, and may be putting a lot of time and effort into our spiritual path, if we don’t learn how to identify–and move beyond–this fundamental resistance to change, we will find that our efforts to awaken repeatedly fall short of the transformation we all sense is possible.

In this audio, Craig illuminates the most important step you can take to begin to identify your own ego resistance, and more importantly, how to make the simple but radical shift in orientation that can enable you to move beyond it.

You can listen online or download the free audio by visiting this page:

Love, Light and Joy!

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As there was a great Coronal Mass Ejection from the Sun three days ago, I thought I’d post my experiences from yesterday, as yesterday should have been the peak day of the “download”.
Why do I say download? There are many people, but in grand scale few, who study the sun and its solar maximum and minimum cycles and see what historical events correlate with those. Some men have come to believe ( perhaps you’ll find their names here ) that when the Sun releases particles during CME and flares that effect our body, changing the so called settings in us.

Cosmic rays are high-energy particles from deep space; they penetrate metal, plastic, flesh and bone. Astronauts exposed to cosmic rays develop an increased risk of cancer, cataracts and other maladies. Ironically, solar explosions, which produce their own deadly radiation, sweep away the even deadlier cosmic rays. As flares subside, cosmic rays intensify – yin, yang. ~

But also:

But there is scientific evidence that the increase in the solar activity could give a significant boost to human consciousness and to spiritual evolution. It could open the door to a new era, argue some scientists.
This is because we, human beings, constantly generate electromagnetic fields around us depending on the thoughts and feelings we have. And these fields in turn, are constantly interacting with many other electric and magnetic fields on the planet earth, in the solar system and in universe. In as far as solar activity impacts on electric and magnetic fields that affect us every day, the sun interacts directly with our DNA and stimulates changes in biosynthesis in cells. ~

So let’s move on to yesterday, Monday.

Yesterday was the day that the effects of the Saturday’s CME (coronal mass ejection) we felt in the electromagnetic field of earth, and us, the people. Of course thanks to our planet’s magnetic field we never get the full blast of the update but share it planet earth.

On Sunday I had a wonderful day of realizing that my ego was on my spiritual path with me, blocking me subtly from enjoying the Light with trying to educating myself on the information of spirituality. ( the entry HERE )
What I decided on Sunday was to make Monday a Day of Light – not just Monday but the rest of my life. The things was I was worried of what work would be when my focus was Light, decided I won’t worry about it as I had intuitive knowledge it would be absolutely perfect for my work, but still my ego was trying to worry me with image of me having to quit my job to enjoy the Light. Well– it just happens Monday was 1-0 for Niina. 😉

I woke up, lying in bed I opened my eyes and chose that today was going to be light filled, the most blissful, happiest day where I give the universe the open field to manifest through me. On a side note I said the same thing this morning. My day that followed was amazing, the most calm, serene, happy one – usually I am at least twice or thrice stressed when the children at work get into arguments and screaming – it seemed my attitude was rubbing off on them.

I noticed how I was fully present in all the actions I did, with the child I was with. It seemed a fully different experience from last week. I do not know how much of this has to do with the CME but I am not so proud to say I give it no credit of Sunday and Monday and the change at the core of me.

The Universe, it’s planets and stars are more mysterious than we give them credit for – just because we can see them and guess upon them doesn’t mean all is known and understood about them, ask that of any scientist and they’ll agree. This existence of ours… much more amazing than meets the 15% usage capability of our brain.

What happened to you on Sunday-Monday?

Love, Light and Joy!

(original entry at my blog @ )

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I am starting to feel something that could develop into frustration if I let it – it’s due to the fact that I am still searching new ways to evolve spiritually, but what I find in the world now is something I’ve already dealt with, released and moved on.

Just this morning few moments ago I received a free small course on releasing mind to reach my goals and dreams. Which is fine, except I am past earthy goals and dreams such as being successful or rich or living in the Bahamas.

I am fully content with the state of my life, I do not need or want anything external or internal to change. Not any of my emotions, they all precious and tools for great self-knowledge which is part of our existence on this planet.

I am aware of the illusion of material life, I am aware of how much I need of material things to keep the body alive – all else, I do not need. I have no desire to be successful. Would someone please give even a semi-reasonable spiritual reason why we should have more than we need or more than another sister or brother of ours?

I do not feel comfortable with “goals” anymore – if I need something I take the necessary steps to acquire it, and if it is meant to be it is what I shall receive because it truly was needed. I have come to figure out that things I do not need I will not receive – I think this has been a theme to learn in this life time, along with what comes with that Lesson which is: Total freedom of Attachments of all things material. But it leaks into emotional life as well and I cannot say there are too many things I am attached to.

Not being Attached I’d like to share doesn’t mean you cannot feel sad when you two depart from each other.

As I write this I’m reminded of a recent article I read, “Ego Valaistumista Etsimässä” ( Ego Searching for Enlightenment ) in which the writer explores how the Ego wants to set out to find Enlightenment because it is one of those things it can be superior in than other people ( clever Ego, right ), so it sets out to get the perfect religion which it dictates is the one right religion, of course it is quite afraid of dying so eventually it gives and start to try and find reincarnation. After Ego is researched on this spiritual road it gets a guru, it sits under the feet of him and demands the Highest teachings from him. The ego loves to get the most exotic guru, because he can boast with it and beat other searchers of truth. After this Ego searches for knowledge on spiritual journeys and evolution, coming in contact with choices which separate him from others so that he can feel a bit more right than others again. When Ego comes across master of Light he wants to be one, and charges to the path but realizes soon that this would mean letting go of all kind of baggage. This Light is in front of it now and the Ego fears it, but as Light has entered the Ego cannot undo his actions and tries to focus on tidbits of knowledge instead of the Light of the Soul and divinity. But Ego soon sees there is not enough of organized information and hence it gets happy cause there are life times of information to go through and organize.

That is putting a very long article very shortly here, I recommend you get the newest Minä Olen, the article is there on pages 32-35. I wish it was in english as well as it is Amazing.

So why am I looking for more knowledge when all that I see is pretty much useless to me? Should I keep on looking for information, new ideas, and old ideas to evolve – or focus on the Light?

The Light is my life, it is in my Heart and Mind, in my Consciousness, it is in my sense of humor, and it is in the eyes of everyone I meet. So why am I hesitant to give my whole life to it – I have to work, it seems a contradiction. What if giving myself to the light fully means… But it won’t, I know it won’t. Silly Ego.

I can see it front of my eyes – that life, it’s as easy as breathing, why would I not want to have that light in my life?

That said I am off to meditate!

Love, Light and Joy!

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Ah – how I love Quantum Physics…

What The Bleep Do We Know?

( click the link to watch online for Free )

“What the Bleep Do We Know!? also written What tнē #$*! D̄ө ωΣ (k)πow!?  is a 2004 film that combines documentary-style interviews, computer-animated graphics, and a narrative that describes the spiritual connection between quantum physics and consciousness. The plot follows the story of a deaf photographer; as she encounters emotional and existential obstacles in her life, she comes to consider the idea that individual and group consciousness can influence the material world. Her experiences are offered by the filmmakers to illustrate the movie’s thesis about quantum physics and consciousness. The 2004 theatrical release of the film was followed by a substantially changed, extended DVD version in 2006.

Bleep was conceived and its production funded by William Arntz, who co-directed the film along with Betsy Chasse and Mark Vicente: all three were students of Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment. A moderately low-budget independent production, it was promoted using viral marketing methods and opened in art-house theaters in the western United States, winning several independent film awards before being picked up by a major distributor and eventually grossing over $10 million.”

Buy on

Buy on ( for Region 2 DVD )

Happy Watching!

Love, Light and Joy!

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I am reading a Finnish book online at the moment, it was written in 1913 by Pekka Ervast, a Rosicrucian and Theosophian who wrote wonders about the Finnish nation, our History and Culture in spiritual light.

This Book is called Newly Born Finland ( Uudesti Syntyvä Suomi ) it discusses the Deva, the Protective Spirit, the National Spirit of Finland.

I’ve reached Chapter 3. Where he writes that old Finnish souls from our Golden Age begun to reincarnate back to Finland around 1900. Before this they had traveled the world, being born in India, China, Italy, France and Germany learning from other Cultures. And Being born back to Finland at the time when Finland ( though writing this he didn’t know just how right he was ) was raising its head from being oppressed for quite many years, generations. He writes how Finnish people had to hold on to their nature, Finnish nature during this oppressive time and that took a lot of energy, hence the quiet era where not a lot of Finnish Culture was known in Europe and beyond. But as 1900 begun and old Finnish souls from the golden age returned we begun to see such people as Sibelius where he in 1900-1902 breaks through to International Stage.

Why I find this interesting is that have intuitive knowledge of having other lives in Finland, knowledge that I come back from time to time check up on Finland. This is interesting as I just recently had Clearing done on my Akashic Record, two lives to be exact, and one of them was in 900th Finland, the woman who did this Clearing told me I lived in the Oulu area in 900’s and I was the Shaman of the tribe.

I channeled my Higher Self this morning ( I’m going to use the term “her” as I am a woman in this life time, but in Finnish him and her are represented by one word “hän” which means both genders ) considering my earlier life in Finland. I asked her if I had an earlier life in Finland, she answered yes. I asked if I had been a Shaman, she answered yes. I asked if I had lived in 900’s, she answered yes. I asked if I had lived in Oulu area, she answered yes. I asked if I had been a man or a woman, she answered man. I asked her to show me an image of myself from that time, and saw immediately a man sitting on a rock seat fire in front of him and early night, he had longer hair that had natural dreads mixed in his hair from time to time, he had a short beard, and he was thin, I got the mental image he didn’t, I didn’t eat a lot. But I saw muscles in his legs so he wasn’t sickly thin. I asked her what happened in that life time that had lingered with me before the Akashic record was cleared, she told me the earth changed, I tried to see but she told me it wasn’t a catastrophe, but subtle change in the earth, crops didn’t grow as they use to. I had tried my best with the knowledge that I had to make the ground fertile, she told me I did what I could but something’s are meant to happen.
I then asked her is there something she’d like me to know, she showed me kissing the forehead of a young girl, platonic kiss and she told me I passed on my knowledge to the girl, what I knew of incantations and medicines.

This self-exploration was brought on by the Ervast book, and I am thinking there are many more to read on the matter of Finns and our Golden Age, The Kalevala and Finnish Spirituality. But these are my thoughts for now.

Love, Light and Joy!

P.S: For more Finnish Spirituality click on some of the Tags for this entry below.

( original entry at my blog with the tags and all @ )

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I received a subscriped newsletter from Michelle Karén, Michelle Karén is M.A.( Master of Arts ), D.F.Astrol.S ( Diploma of the Faculty of Astrological Studies ) an Astrologer and author of Astrology For Enlightenment – the newsletter informed of three Spiritually impostant days to come, first as close as this Wednesday as we experience a Solar Eclipse.

Here are the Details from that Newsletter!


The 3 upcoming eclipses in June and July 2011
An eclipse always signifies a major turning point in our lives. Depending on where it falls in our natal chart ( map of the heavens for the exact date, time and place of our birth ), irrevocable shifts happen, rerouting us and placing us on better tracks for our highest evolution to occur. Within a month of the actual date of the eclipse, we shall be clear on what changed. We should always be careful on eclipse days as to what we say and how we say it, as our words and thoughts could lead to rapid manifestations.

Usually eclipses happen in twos: a lunar (Full Moon) and a solar (New Moon). It is extremely rare to find 3 eclipses back to back, as we shall be experiencing between June 1 and July 1st.

On Wednesday June 1 at 2:30 PM PDT (CA time), the Solar Eclipse will occur in Gemini (11º02’).
This special New Moon is represented in the Sabian Symbols by the following image: “A Negro girl fights for her independence in the city”. This eclipse helps us free ourselves from the ghosts of our past. It offers us the chance to assert our mastery. We are likely to receive long overdue rewards for past efforts.
The astrological chart of this eclipse shows that we shall become clearer on what makes us feel nurtured and  how we can become more grounded in our private lives. We could feel the need to move or rearrange our living circumstances. If repairs are needed in our home, it could be a good idea to ask first for an estimate as the costs could end up being a lot more than expected.
We could also deepen our understanding of our family links and get insights into our parallel lives and why we chose the parents we have. This could lead to a greater understanding of our fears, insecurities and a chance to clear what is standing in the way of us becoming all that we are in our divinity.
Speaking good words and thinking caring thoughts create the positive energy enabling us to retrieve ancient wisdoms carried over from other lifetimes.
There could be more harmony in our finances. We could be happily surprised by an income we didn’t expect anymore or a “lucky” break. The more we focus on following our intuition and doing what we love, the more easily money will be magnetized to us in ways that may seem quite mysterious.  We could literally see it appear as we need it.
The unexpected is likely to occur also in a love relationship. Either a sudden break-up or an unusual coming together. A love could become a friendship. A friendship could switch to love. A long lost love could re-emerge. The survival of an existing relationship will depend largely on how flexible we and our partner are towards each other’s dreams. If we can truly respect each other’s independence and uniqueness, as well as balance our needs for freedom with intimacy, a whole new level of relationship may be experienced that is extremely liberating.
This eclipse also helps us go deeper into our subconscious. We could have premonitory dreams, and profound visions.  This eclipse builds a bridge between the old and the new. As we keep what still works and integrate new ways of walking our path, an exciting balance is reached.

On Wednesday June 15, at 1:14 PM PDT, the Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon) will occur at 24º23’ Sagittarius.
This degree is symbolized by “A chubby boy on a hobby-horse”. This points to powers we know we can experience in the future by anticipating them now. As we create the emotion of what we want as having already received it, it will manifest.
This eclipse stresses the importance of developing our creativity as well as open communication with a person we cherish.
There could be a major earthquake or volcano eruption. An important clearing away of the old is taking place both literally and symbolically.
A new light could be shed on our genealogical tree and/or parallel lives. We could discover secrets about our lineage that help us understand more deeply our roots and the origin of certain emotional reactions we have. A great eclipse to clear old fears and insecurities.
We could find that, as we tap into our inner resources and focus on what we truly love and are skilled at, our finances improve dramatically.
This eclipse asks us to open to new cultures, languages, countries. We may be called to travel and as we do, learn things and meet new friends who expand our horizons in magnificent ways.
Subtle changes are occurring at a cellular level in our bodies. We could become very sensitive to atmospheres and naturally stay away from denser foods, preferring to eat less, more high frequency, organic, raw fruit and vegetables. We are likely to be drawn to exercise that is in harmony with the wisdom of our bodies.
We stand in our power, very aware of our truth, very clear with regard to our priorities. A time to focus on what is important to us and with a breath of kindness, brush the rest away…

On Friday July 1st at 1:54 AM PDT, the Solar Eclipse (New Moon) will be at 9º12’ Cancer.
The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “A large diamond in the first stages of the cutting process”. As we arduously strive to perfection, we begin to fully incarnate our ideal.
Issues around home and security could surface. We may be called to move or redecorate our home. We may want it to be a place of intellectual and spiritual stimulation, inviting people over whose minds we admire and respect.
We are likely to be more serious, more focused and practical  in our careers. Our ambitions are clear. We meet our duties with a sense of responsibility.  We could either receive a promotion or become more committed to reaching our goals. We are not afraid to work long hours to fulfill our obligations.
A long distance trip to a country we feel a deep inner connection to, could prove life-changing, exposing us to sages and a whole new understanding of our place in the universe.
We are attracted to like-spirited friends who inspire us to greater dreams.
We become quite dynamically involved in creating the financial abundance we need through parallel/complementary activities requiring both movement and active communication.
Sudden insights could come through meditation or dreams that reveal our inner landscape in a blinding light. A chance to break free from the past and own deeper aspects of our subconscious that were previously hidden or unavailable.
Our renewed faith in life, trust in ourselves open magical doors. As we approach life with great enthusiasm and an open spirit, the seemingly impossible, becomes possible.


Love, Light and Joy!

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Reminder on How the Path was Forgotten

One day, a calf needed to cross a virgin forest in order to return to its pasture. Being an irrational animal, it forged out a tortuous path full of bends, up and down hills.
The next day, a dog came by and used the same path to cross the forest. Next it was a sheep’s turn, the head of a flock which, upon finding the opening, led its companions through it.
Later, men began using the path: they bent down, deviating obstacles, complaining and cursing – and quite rightly so. But they did nothing to create a different route.
After so much use, in the end, the path became a trail along which poor animals toiled under heavy loads, being forced to go three hours to cover a distance which would normally take thirty minutes.
Many years passed and the trail became the main road of a village, and later the main avenue of a town. Everyone complained about the traffic, because the route it took was the worst possible one.
Meanwhile, the old and wise forest laughed, at seeing how men tend to blindly follow the way already open, without ever asking whether it really is the best choice.

.(based in traditional Malayalam story).
Visit the Paulo Coelho’s Blog HERE for more great reminders.

Love, Light and Joy!

( original entry at my blog @ )

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“Come on Bee, go, that way, not that glass you can’t go through that. Silly thing, you’re like most humans. I need to get the cup and paper don’t I?”
I return to the kitchen, get my birthday card and cup return to assist the silly Bee. I do understand it is probably afraid of me, I’m bigger and shooing him towards what he sees as wall – I am backing him against the wall. And he isn’t without retaliation, I am aware, I’ve never been stung by a Bee, but I imagine it’s not a fun thing, even though not deadly, especially when you have medication. I track the Bee down by the sound of its buzzing, he’s by the window desperately trying to get out to the balcony flowers and blue sky, Freedom. He has brought himself to my home by the actions he has taken, choices he has made, and now that I try to help him, fear gets in the way. I place the cup over him and slid the birthday card underneath to temporarily trap him, he buzzes like crazy, it’s fine I know the feeling, I myself haven’t always been able to see what situations have actually helped through have then seemed like I was being smacked around by fate.
I release him to the balcony, for a moment he’s disorientated and tries to fly into the glass that reflects the trees and flowers and the blue sky, reflects his Freedom, he bounces off the glass few times before realizing it’s an illusion of Freedom. To that I can relate as well. The Bee is now Free to make yet other choices, and I… I am writing this, realizing why I have been freeing close to ten Bees in a three day period – to remember this, to look back at my own life see how it all relates. I was a Bee as well, I was assisted as well, and my choices no longer ( hopefully) take me to situations that need rough saving. I’ve looked at the Illusion of Freedom and turned away from the Illusion to real Freedom.

I’m out of the House people! 🙂

Love, Light and Joy!

( original entry at my Blog @ )

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THE ULTIMATE MEN’S SUMMIT – Activating 21st Century Masculinity (FREE)

Are you ready to be a 21st Century man (or empower the men in your life to be one)?

We’re very excited to share that more than 75 remarkable global leaders such as Robert Bly, Jack Canfield, Neale Donald Walsch and Sam Keen are coming together for an unprecedented and historic Ultimate Men’s Summit to chart the path forward into a new kind of masculinity – all for free.

At The Shift Network, we have offered many women’s programs and now it’s time to empower men to step up into our noblest, highest role for the years ahead.

As men, we are waking up to our true gifts – and stewarding the emergence of a new era. We’re evolving a new form of masculinity – one infused with integrity, authenticity, generosity and virtue. And we’re living more purposefully and finding ways to serve a cause greater than ourselves.

It’s not an easy path. We’re learning as we go – transforming our past, exploring our inner truths and expressing our strengths in new ways. We’re learning to lead boldly without dominating, feel fully and freely, and use our power to protect instead of destroy. And we have further to go – both for the sake of our liberation and the world’s.

That’s why we are thrilled to invite you to attend the Ultimate Men’s Summit – a free 10-day teleconference, June 10-19. We’ll be hosting this historic virtual gathering of teachers, authors and elders who will offer their hard-earned, no-holds-barred wisdom about manhood, masculinity and personal development.

Click here to sign up now for this FREE virtual event – the largest men’s summit ever.

You’ll also learn from inspiring and transformational trailblazers like Gary Zukav, Dan Millman, Hal Stone, Andrew Harvey, John Perkins, Claudio Naranjo and Gay Hendricks (plus a few great women such as Riane Eisler).

We hope you’ll join us for the Ultimate Men’s Summit. It’s a fantastic opportunity for you to take part in accelerating the transformation of men into a new era, which will also help you achieve the ultimate version of yourself – successful, fulfilled, generous, awake and strong.

Of course, the Summit is open to women as well, who are warmly welcome to join us and learn more about 21st Century Masculinity. It’s clear we need to work together with women, hand in hand, to create a new Earth.

Each speaker will offer their deepest insights about what it takes to mature and grow as a man, and they’ll give you specific practices you can use to move your life forward. They are making it very practical and real – not just talking heads – but tools to accelerate your growth, evolution and expression as a man in the world.

The link again to register is:

Please do share this with your friends and allies as well. We look forward to seeing you at the Ultimate Men’s Summit!


In spirit, Stephen Dinan, Founder, The Shift Network & Lion Goodman, Director of Men’s Programs for The Shift Network

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